

Version 0.6.0 is now generally available. This release includes numerous cleanups to the token authentication mechanism and complete threading of the context through the system enabling a better debugging experience.

As always the changelog from the last 0.5.0 series release is now provided below:

* 8166de7 - (tag: v0.6.0) go.mod: Require go 1.17
* d940a49 - LICENSE: Bump Copyright Year
* 3d0becd - .github/workflows: Use Go 1.17
* ea6ff90 - Dockerfile: update to Go 1.17
* 25192fd - pkg/netauth: Move cache to pkg/token
* 9182d96 - pkg/token/keyprovider/fs: Add tests
* a6bfa22 - pkg/token/keyprovider: Add tests
* c909763 - pkg/token/jwt: Refactor JWT provider
* f0d8353 - internal/token => pkg/token
* 054f2ef - cmd/nsutil: Fix formatter in unformated call
* 2458ade - internal/rpc2: plug contexts into tree
* 98fd6de - internal/tree: plumb contexts up to the tree
* 8010e18 - internal/db: Plumb context.Context to the bottom
* d6c5223 - internal/ctl/helpers: Call extant RPC function
* dd324a0 - internal/rpc2: Remove unused methods from interface
* eabc1ac - various: upgrade to the v2 protobuf API
* f4b96fd - internal: gofmt -s
* dc54ab7 - internal/db: Fix test case with groups
* c1e6637 - internal/token/jwt: Use supported version
* 8615988 - internal: remove builtin bootstrap option
* d581e5f - cmd/nsutil: Add bootstrap command
* 55ab84f - README.md update IRC Server
* 7df195d - go.mod: Update bitcask import path
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