

Version 0.1.0 has been released. This release includes numerous small fixes and the read only mode mentioned in a previous post. As a new release component to coincide with the switch to beta releases in the 0.X.0 series, binary files are now available for this and future releases. The binary files are available on GitHub.

As always, the changelog for this release is below:

* 7073d9a - (tag: v0.1.0) Release v0.1.0
* 08729d8 - ROADMAP: Out of alpha, releasing on time
* 97d8c77 - internal/ctl: disable log by default
* 932fd8a - various: gofmt stragglers
* c9ffcab - cmd/netauthd: re-order log statements for clarity
* bebca2f - db/protodb: Add filesystem watcher.
* 593cddf - internal/db/protodb: Improve test coverage
* 290dae6 - internal/db/protodb: Use callbacks to manage index
* 73c165e - internal/db: support index management by callback
* 6fe62e0 - db/util: improve test coverage
* 8525884 - pkg/client: Add read-only support
* 9c07ced - rpc: Add a read-only mode
* 7ba64a0 - ctl: actually remove entity from group
* 8ccecca - netauthd: fix default port for pflag
* 1f450bb - Add defaults for core server properties.
* ce2859b - meta: Drop dep from travis
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