Living With the Console


It is important when designing software to live with it for a while to determine if its functional or not. Many organizations call this “dogfooding” and use this valuable feedback to avert potential disasters in releasing software to the public. NetAuth has recently averted one such disaster in the CLI tooling.

Over a year ago in “Command Not Found” it was decided that NetAuth would use subcommands under a single utility. This worked well for a year and is indeed still how NetAuth structures its commands. The primary change is to no longer use the limiting library that started out NetAuth. To understand why, lets look at two different commands to create an entity.

$ netauth create-entity --ID foo --secret bar

This command is fairly short to type, but requires the use of flags for items that will always be specified. Lets take a look at another command:

$ netauth entity-memberships --entity foo --group group1 --add

Again, this command works, and once you read the manual it does what you would expect, but its not easy to remember. Is it membership, memberships, or members? Why am I modifying the entity memberships and not adding them to a group?

On top of this, these commands are only as good as the documentation which lives in another repository. These simple facts conspire to make a complicated world of CLI tooling. Its much easier to think about things with positional arguments in a log of NetAuth’s commands as that makes it much easier to remember the flow of commands for commonly used items. Take for example alternate versions of the two commands above:

$ netauth entity create foo --initial-secret bar
$ netauth entity membership foo add group1

In this case its much clearer that we’re creating an entity named ‘foo’ and adding it to a group with the name ‘group1’. These commands are easier to remember.

It goes one step better though, with the change to a new library for command handling that understands positional arguments, the documentation for comands now lives with the commands themselves, and so is more likely to be correctly updated when a command changes its contents.

Commands additionally now have bash and zsh completions, and can use the same configuration file that the server uses to pick up many default options.

While its a small nuisance to break CLI compatibility, it is sometimes necessary in order to make progress. The NetAuth team hopes you’ll find the new CLI easier to use and faster to memorize.

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