Keys and Values


Storage is a funny thing. Its something that seems so simple, but also so complicated. You want to store some bytes, so you put them on a disk. Want to read them now? No problem, just read them back. Oh, you wanted to read them back from another computer? That’s now a bit harder.

NetAuth’s storage architecture was previously based on the idea of thick databases. These ‘databases’ were really a set of largely duplicated functions that serialized and deserialized entities and groups, plumbed search indexes, and callbacks between them to enable the system some concept of “high availability” by watching for changes across layers. This makes it unnecessarily difficult to add new storage mechanisms, and results in lots of copy and paste when doing refactoring. It also meant that the tests for most functionality needed to make use of an in-memory database implementation which doesn’t always have the same failure modes as the current default mechanism protodb.

In effect though, all storage mechanisms for NetAuth are just key-value systems, so treating that as a distinct abstraction will allow simplicity both in upkeep of existing implementations, and in construction of new storage backends. The key/value store needs only to be concerned with reading and writing byte arrays to and from byte keys.

The new storage mechanism will ship in NetAuth version 0.4 alongside the enhanced entity and group metadata system.

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